• Paintings • Biography • Master Classes • Contact • Copyright © 2020 Alex Samson • All rights reserved |
Creating something from nothing is a head trip. "When I paint, I feel as if I communicate in the same language as God, because we are engaged in a similar creative effort. Painting re-centers me, emotionally and restores my sense of peace and reminds me of my purpose in life." Making art is both orderly and chaotic at the same time. There is a constant struggle to balance the equation and to unbalance it. Chance and surprise rule the moment when different colors are mixed and placed next to and on top of each other. This action represents chaos, like the storms on Jupiter. However, the forces of order and control are at play when I select the colors for the mix and choose the method of application: which brush, a palette knife or a finger. Intuition and experience allow me to guide waves of chaos into specific patterns to achieve my desired effect. So, before you start messing with the equation - you have to know what the formula is. I'm the master of chaos, and that's what I teach in my Master Classes. |