3-D Help
Here you will find what you need and where to get the software required to explore VRML files.

Windows 95/NT users:

    Communicator 4.5
    requires a VRML player Plug-in to be installed. The button above will take you to the Netscape download page. When you get there, select the latest version of Communicator and follow their downloading and installation instructions.

    Internet Explorer 4.0
    or later versions require a VRML player Plug-in to be installed. The button above will take you to the Microsoft Internet Explorer download page. However, you will still need to get a Plug-in. Choose one below:

Windows 98 users:

    You have everything built-in. The plug-in might not be installed, but you have it on the disk. Go to the Control Pannel and use Add/Remove Programs and follow installation instructions.

Mac PowerPC users:

    System Requirements: Mac OS 7.6.1 or higher.

    Communicator 4.5
    requires a VRML player Plug-in to be installed. The button above will take you to the Netscape download page. When you get there, select the latest version of Communicator and follow the downloading and installation instructions. However, you will still need to get a Plug-in.

Other operating systems users:

All downloads are FREE.

VRML 1.0
VRML 2.0

This web site features VRML 2.0 files. For this you need Cosmo Player 2.1 plug-in.

In case you are still running the old, outdated Cosmo Player 1.0 plug-in -- welcome to the 90's! It's time to upgrade. Cosmo Player 1.0 may crash the browser when it encounters VRML 2.0 files.

You will find links to what you need just to your left.

If you found this page through a Search Engine and do not see the menu in the left frame, please proceed this way to the Home Page.

Copyright ©1998-2001 Timber Frame Houses, Inc.
All rights reserved
For more information send e-mail to Denny Cooper

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