"Wood is a substance with a soul"
Two thousand years ago, craftsmen who worked with rare timbers understood their subtleties and strengths.
Treating each trunk as unique, they created durable, beautiful objects that resonated with nature and man's environment. For too long, the modern world removed itself from this deep affinity with timber. In recent years, however, there has been a revival of timber framing in the United States and Canada that marries an ancient mystique and technique with a growing desire for efficiency, simplicity and environmental consciousness. This has led to a reverence for wood once again. For those of us at Timber Frame Houses, the journey back to this time-honored tradition is cause for celebration. It is moving us toward greater harmony with our surroundings, enabling us to revel in nature's most primitive song. In the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, where there is abundant space to breathe and clear the mind, it is our mission to build beautiful, hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind homes that complement an unhurried lifestyle. Comfortable, architecturally coherent and economically constructed, these are houses in which one can almost hear the chords of ancient timber artists, where mortise and tenon join together seamlessly, paired in nature's eternal embrace. Please join us on our voyage to find the holy center of our craft, as we listen to the truths encapsulated in the timbers of our land. Join us as we return, plank by plank, to the ancient art of timberpeg frame houses. |
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